Friday, April 27, 2007

Monks Who Play Punk

James Estrin/The New York Times

Father Luke in his room at St. Joseph’s Friary in Harlem.
Published: April 22, 2007

IT was 9 o’clock on a wintry Saturday night, and in the dimly lighted basement of Our Lady of Good Counsel, a Roman Catholic church on 90th Street and Second Avenue, the chatter of more than 400 young people competed with the din of a rock band. Those not shouting in one another’s ears were dancing, singing, laughing and jumping up and down while trying not to spill their cups of coffee.

“Who has ever heard of a monk playing funk music?” shouted Brother Agostino Torres, a 30-year-old friar wearing sandals and a hooded gray robe. Hands shot into the air.

“O.K., all right, but I’ll bet you never heard of this one,” Brother Agostino went on. “Because tonight, we’re going to have some monks play some punk!” Half a dozen other bushy-bearded, gray-frocked friars broke into a cacophony of drums, bass, saxophone and electric guitar... READ MORE

Also, interview with Fr Stan Fortuna here during his recent trip to Australia: